Island to Island Brewing Conservatory | Probiotic Drinks
Probiotic sodas and mocktails available in our taproom as non-alcoholic brews with natural health benefits. Menu includes Jun, Kombucha, Water Kefir, Ginger Beer, Switchel, Shrubs and drinking vinegars in a range of seasonal flavors.
jun, kefir, kombucha, Switchel, drinking vinegar, mocktails, mocktail, non-alcoholic, sober, sobriety, IBS, honey, hangover
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Jun is a probiotic drink made by fermenting organic green tea and wild honey. It is fermented with a SCOBY we’ve cultivated for half a dozen years.
Jun provides health benefits such as digestive aid, immunity support, clear skin and more all associated with maintaining positive gut health.
We only use unprocessed medicinal raw honey to craft our Jun. Our honey is comes from wild uncultivated fields where only the run off from hives is collected.
There is NO alcohol in our Jun. During fermentation, beneficial bacteria aggressively consume any alcohol in its presence finishing with a soda like fiz.
Jun Kombucha: A probiotic fermented beverage made from organic green tea and only local raw honey varietals. Our honey vary seasonally with the transitions in flowering blossoms. This fizzy tea is fermented with the assistance of a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of beneficial bacteria and yeast). The SCOBY eats the sugars and nitrogen from the mixture creating a vinegary liquid that we then condition with fresh fruit or herb juices creating a natural soda effervescent texture. This soda we call Jun. It is a kombucha like beverage that puts good bacteria back into our gut, allowing for total nutrition of the body to become more effective once the needed workers are once again part of our internal ecosystem.
The mineral nutrient base. Drinking daily reduces the risk of developing several cancers.
Known to have wound healing and anti-bacterial properties for some time. Imparts unique beneficial bacteria strain.
Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast, the mother culture and fermentation starter.
Live microorganisms known as bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health. Introduced into the body for its beneficial qualities, especially your digestive system.
Microbes help with our digestion and influence our health by playing a role in obesity, type 2 diabetes, IBS, colon cancer the the immune system functions.
Expertly crafted beverages preserved by nature’s influence being allowed to take control under purposeful conditions.
Jun, Water Kefir, Kombucha, Switchel, Ginger Beer, Mauby
Fermented foods and drinks can affect how your body fights illness and disease and enhance the digestion.
Your body needs adequate digestive enzymes to properly absorb, digest, and utilize nutrients in food.
Non-Alcoholic, Press Mention
Non-Alcoholic, Press Mention